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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Free Education

I guess I can be called an emigrant basher, but I have to say something when I read in the news that illegal imigrants are getting free college education at taxpayers expense I just can't keep quiet..the worse part of it was that when they finished their degree, they couldn't be gainfully employed because they were not a US citizen..Congress wants to fix that by awarding them a free citizenship too..There are many poor folks here that could use a little of that free stuff they are throwing around..I think we should care for our own first!!!!UNBELIEVABLE


  • How about this...

    Some enroll in the Military, God Bless them, but why not make the Military a sure way to citizen ship. At the end of a successful, fullterm enlistment, we swear you in as a Citizen!

    You now have English as a near first language (and probably a colorful vocabulary), you have (probably) a viable skill and you have potential help with college from the G.I. Bill.

    Beyond that, lets give I.N.S. enough money and a mandate to enforrce existing laws!

    I'm with you,


    By Blogger Kermit, at May 09, 2005 4:22 AM  

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